Tuesday 17 September 2013

Wonderful Wednesday!

Hello all and hello to another Wednesday. Lets make this one wonderful!

Finally after these 16 years of  mere consciousness I have learnt that nothing lasts forever. Chapters come and go. But right now I feel 'stuck', oh how I shudder at that word. School will end and so will this year but that hasn't been giving me much comfort. It's been this way for a while actually. Wish I could just enjoy life, including school..  but it is really not that easy. School cannot change I have to change my attitude. This is consistent to life, don't like something? Change it (other than yourself of course). Don't like the way you feel about something (cough, negative thoughts)? Change your mind. 

And that's exactly what I am going to do! I am not assuming that everyone reading this dislikes school as I do, but I'm sure everyone has felt this feeling - Stuck because something is keeping you that way.


This quote right here, I am not sure where I found it on this vast Internet, but I did or maybe it found me, and here in this blog post I am trying to prove a point. To encourage myself to 'let things go' while hoping that someone will enjoy reading this drawl. 

Maybe its time to stop dwelling on waking up in the morning. Maybe it's time to embrace it. I am at a very important chapter (there I go again being all philosophical) in my life so it is time to be positive. I believe it is necessary to let go of all this negativity - it's become too heavy to lug around.

Love Dani Darling! x

p.s Sorry this was alot of 'I's. In my next post it'll be more about others. :) 


  1. It's a nice saying/quote and I like your view on things! :)

  2. I nominated you for a "Liebster Award". I love your inspirational blog :)
