Thursday 31 October 2013

One Direction Concert Part One: The trip

Well, well. Here I am. I am back! I know it's taken me week's to finally write this post, I apologise, but emotions have taken over. Oh and that thing that takes up all my time; school. Anyway, how is everyone? I am very good right now, I'll let you know the reason!

Where do I start? If anyone actually read my previous One Direction concert build up posts you've probably figured out what this is about (if you read the title as well), well done! If you haven't this post is all about the  trip leading up to the best night of my life; THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT. Brace yourselves this may be a very long post. It may contain a stream of emotions. If you are bored you'll have to wait for the next post which will be 100% concert, I promise!

Starting from the very beginning.. The journey there was so enthralling I'll let you know how it went. The day before the concert we had to travel to Blenheim. The place where we stayed. We as in my friend, her family and I. Our mode of transport was the cook strait ferry, the blue bridge one (the staff were really nice!). For those of you that don't know what that is it is a boat that travels between New Zealand's North and South island. We couldn't have picked a worse day to travel it. It was stormy and obviously the sea was very rough. I can't even begin to describe the feeling, it was simply awful. It was like going up in an elevator, y'all know that feeling? Well imagine it over and over again! Luckily I was okay and wasn't sea sick. It was more just anxiety because it was scary to say the least. The size of the waves were incredible, I thought we were going to be swallowed up. It has really made it clear about how violent and vast the ocean is. An experience that I won't forget, even though I'd like to. To be fair the trip back was actually very pleasant. It was sunny and we sailed smoothly! Which was lovely because we had a nice view.

Look at how poop the weather was when we left!
The Sounds! Look how pretty they were on the trip back.
Picton on the trip back!

After having a good nights sleep we awoke to excitement. My friend Olivia turned to me and said "Concert Day!". I nearly died. I couldn't believe it, I'd waited so long and the day had finally arrived. After having a rough start (literally) we were hoping for the best.  A bit of unlucky always brings luck? Well I'd like to think so. Although it did take us four hours to get to Christchurch. There's not much to write about the drive there and siteseeing in Christchurch so que photos! It was hearbreaking seeing the damage in the cbd from the earthquake. The cathedral was shocking (last photo). It's so much more surreal when you're standing right there and not looking at it on t.v.

 I've decided to do this post for the trip and then another one for the actual concert (and post concert emotions), which will be up soon! Thanks for being lovely and keep a look out for my next few posts. I have a few exciting ones lined up. 

Dani x

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Liebster Award

I have been nominated by the lovely Shirley from Wonder Canyon for the Liebster award. You get asked 10 questions, then make your own and pass it onto 10 more people. It's aim is to help people with less that 200 followers gain more advertising and readers. Hopefully my readers will get to know me that little bit better. 

1) The tagged/nominated blog must have less than 200 followers
2) Mention the person/blog that tagged/nominated you
3) Let the person/blog you nominate know that you tagged them!

1) What is your favourite childhood memory? Personally I don't have a specific favourite childhood memory. Although I do have a favourite place where I had lots of happy memories. My grandparents used to own a nice little farm, very rural and it was such a beautiful place. It was in South Africa. I hold many amazing memories to this place. If there is anywhere in the world I'd want to be on any given day, it would be there. 

2) Who is your favourite person to watch on YouTube? I have lots of favourite I even wrote a blog post on it! Read it here. 

3) Describe your dream job. I haven't decided on a job yet, let alone having a 'dream job'. I suppose it would be anything to do with helping people, being creative. It has to be something I enjoy. 

4) When did you put up your first blog post? Oh gosh, I've only just started this blog. My first post was only in May of this year!

5) If you could have a superpower just for today, what would it be? I'd probably want to be invisible. You wouldn't have to worry about the way you're dressed or if you hair looks OK, you could just explore the world freely without being judged. Oh and you could mess with people for fun, ehehe. 

6) What is the most creative thing you've done recently? I tried to literally draw a header for this blog, it turned out OK, maybe I should share it with you all. Hmm, it still needs a bit of work. 

7) Where do you live? Kia OraA place called New Zealand. Wellington to be precise, in all honesty it's a bit boring. 

8) What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday morning? Sleep in, or if its nice weather catch a bit of sunshine. 

9) What is the best part of your life right now? The fact I am seeing One Direction in two days!! 

10) What is your favourite quote? I love lots of quotes, no one in particular. I just chose this by random from my laptop. It's really uplifting! Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter used it an a blog post once, which I thoroughly enjoyed!

Golly Gosh I have no idea how to nominate people. I'm just going to put a certain one out there, my chummy Shannon,, I nominate you. 

Also if anyone wants to read this and hasn't been nominated before, let me know in the comments and feel free to take my questions and out it in a post anyway! I'd love to read answers to them. 

Here are the questions:
1) What made you decide to start a blog?
2) What country and city do you live in?
3) Name your 5 favourite things about your country and/or city
4) Describe your style.
5) Post a selfie!
6) What is the best thing about your life right now?
7) What's one thing you are really looking forward to? 
8) If you could be any age, younger or older than you are now, for a day, what age would you be?
9) What is your favourite season?
10) Dream job? 

Dani Darling. x

*Credit to owners of both photos used.*

Friday 4 October 2013

You've got that One Thing

Hello! Continuing on with my One Direction posts, you can read my first one here

Within no time at all they were gone, out of the country. I felt like I'd missed my chance. 2012 was a really difficult year for me, I won't go into any detail though. They were there for me when no one else was, that's how it felt anyway. I remember being upset and home alone feeling so bad and I'd put on Up All Night and it would make me so much happier. I didn't understand why I'd become such a big fan, it was really unlike me and unexpected, but I needed them, for reasons that others don't know. They're more than just what meets the eye, they're not just five lads in a boy band, they're legends. 

I've followed them (not literally), tracked them, tweeted them and bought merchandise since. Two years later, 500 + days after receiving tickets for their October 10th concert and I am still waiting. 6 days away. It feels so surreal. They're real people and I am going to see them. To describe how excited I am would be like describing what air looks like. Exactly. There is so much to organise as well. This roller coaster is hitting its peak!! 

Of course I will be writing a nice lil', its actually probably going to be very long, post about the concert! So make sure you look out for that. 

That's it I suppose. Hopefully that was relateable or somewhat of an insight into a Directioner's mind. Believe it or not I actually refined this post a lot. I would've rambled on way more. I'll try not to write about One Direction too much in future. This is still a lifestyle blog, I'll blog what I want to. 

Dani Darling. x