Thursday 31 October 2013

One Direction Concert Part One: The trip

Well, well. Here I am. I am back! I know it's taken me week's to finally write this post, I apologise, but emotions have taken over. Oh and that thing that takes up all my time; school. Anyway, how is everyone? I am very good right now, I'll let you know the reason!

Where do I start? If anyone actually read my previous One Direction concert build up posts you've probably figured out what this is about (if you read the title as well), well done! If you haven't this post is all about the  trip leading up to the best night of my life; THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT. Brace yourselves this may be a very long post. It may contain a stream of emotions. If you are bored you'll have to wait for the next post which will be 100% concert, I promise!

Starting from the very beginning.. The journey there was so enthralling I'll let you know how it went. The day before the concert we had to travel to Blenheim. The place where we stayed. We as in my friend, her family and I. Our mode of transport was the cook strait ferry, the blue bridge one (the staff were really nice!). For those of you that don't know what that is it is a boat that travels between New Zealand's North and South island. We couldn't have picked a worse day to travel it. It was stormy and obviously the sea was very rough. I can't even begin to describe the feeling, it was simply awful. It was like going up in an elevator, y'all know that feeling? Well imagine it over and over again! Luckily I was okay and wasn't sea sick. It was more just anxiety because it was scary to say the least. The size of the waves were incredible, I thought we were going to be swallowed up. It has really made it clear about how violent and vast the ocean is. An experience that I won't forget, even though I'd like to. To be fair the trip back was actually very pleasant. It was sunny and we sailed smoothly! Which was lovely because we had a nice view.

Look at how poop the weather was when we left!
The Sounds! Look how pretty they were on the trip back.
Picton on the trip back!

After having a good nights sleep we awoke to excitement. My friend Olivia turned to me and said "Concert Day!". I nearly died. I couldn't believe it, I'd waited so long and the day had finally arrived. After having a rough start (literally) we were hoping for the best.  A bit of unlucky always brings luck? Well I'd like to think so. Although it did take us four hours to get to Christchurch. There's not much to write about the drive there and siteseeing in Christchurch so que photos! It was hearbreaking seeing the damage in the cbd from the earthquake. The cathedral was shocking (last photo). It's so much more surreal when you're standing right there and not looking at it on t.v.

 I've decided to do this post for the trip and then another one for the actual concert (and post concert emotions), which will be up soon! Thanks for being lovely and keep a look out for my next few posts. I have a few exciting ones lined up. 

Dani x

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