Tuesday 8 October 2013

Liebster Award

I have been nominated by the lovely Shirley from Wonder Canyon for the Liebster award. You get asked 10 questions, then make your own and pass it onto 10 more people. It's aim is to help people with less that 200 followers gain more advertising and readers. Hopefully my readers will get to know me that little bit better. 

1) The tagged/nominated blog must have less than 200 followers
2) Mention the person/blog that tagged/nominated you
3) Let the person/blog you nominate know that you tagged them!

1) What is your favourite childhood memory? Personally I don't have a specific favourite childhood memory. Although I do have a favourite place where I had lots of happy memories. My grandparents used to own a nice little farm, very rural and it was such a beautiful place. It was in South Africa. I hold many amazing memories to this place. If there is anywhere in the world I'd want to be on any given day, it would be there. 

2) Who is your favourite person to watch on YouTube? I have lots of favourite I even wrote a blog post on it! Read it here. 

3) Describe your dream job. I haven't decided on a job yet, let alone having a 'dream job'. I suppose it would be anything to do with helping people, being creative. It has to be something I enjoy. 

4) When did you put up your first blog post? Oh gosh, I've only just started this blog. My first post was only in May of this year!

5) If you could have a superpower just for today, what would it be? I'd probably want to be invisible. You wouldn't have to worry about the way you're dressed or if you hair looks OK, you could just explore the world freely without being judged. Oh and you could mess with people for fun, ehehe. 

6) What is the most creative thing you've done recently? I tried to literally draw a header for this blog, it turned out OK, maybe I should share it with you all. Hmm, it still needs a bit of work. 

7) Where do you live? Kia OraA place called New Zealand. Wellington to be precise, in all honesty it's a bit boring. 

8) What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday morning? Sleep in, or if its nice weather catch a bit of sunshine. 

9) What is the best part of your life right now? The fact I am seeing One Direction in two days!! 

10) What is your favourite quote? I love lots of quotes, no one in particular. I just chose this by random from my laptop. It's really uplifting! Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter used it an a blog post once, which I thoroughly enjoyed!

Golly Gosh I have no idea how to nominate people. I'm just going to put a certain one out there, my chummy Shannon, http://shannon-fitzgerald.blogspot.co.nz/, I nominate you. 

Also if anyone wants to read this and hasn't been nominated before, let me know in the comments and feel free to take my questions and out it in a post anyway! I'd love to read answers to them. 

Here are the questions:
1) What made you decide to start a blog?
2) What country and city do you live in?
3) Name your 5 favourite things about your country and/or city
4) Describe your style.
5) Post a selfie!
6) What is the best thing about your life right now?
7) What's one thing you are really looking forward to? 
8) If you could be any age, younger or older than you are now, for a day, what age would you be?
9) What is your favourite season?
10) Dream job? 

Dani Darling. x

*Credit to owners of both photos used.*

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