Saturday 8 June 2013

A quick hello


So in my last post I said I was going to the zoo.. Well sadly it didn't happen. My family and I went to the zoo as it was $2 per entry. Its normally about $20, so we knew we had to go! We were all so excited.. When we arrived we noticed the line went for about two kilometres, along with hundreds of people. It was crazy! By then it was already 2pm and the zoo closed at 5pm, so even if we waited in the line, we wouldn't have  had enough time to enjoy it. Instead we said we will go back another time. (depending on the weather, gah!) We then went to a cute little cafe (not sure of the name, sorry) in a place called Scorcher Bay (not that the weather was scorching!) 

Here are some photos of what I wore and where we went ~

The weather wasn't great. 

My IDK I JUST LOVE BRITISH YOUTUBES top, my amazing friend Shannon ( got it made for me. At some time I will write a post on my favourite youtubers and why.

                                                            The food at this lovely cafe.

So thats that!

DaniDarling. x

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