Monday 9 June 2014

Lush Haul

Hello everyone!

Long time to not blog a single post. A whole month has gone by! I'm really not on top of my game with this whole blogging thing. Sorry about that. But today I am here to tell you about my recent obsession... LUSH!

Lush is a 'fresh handmade cosmetics' store that sells soaps, shampoos, lip tints, bubble bars, facial mask's and my favourite, bath bombs! I went for the first time a few weeks back with my amazing chummy. We also went to Starbucks (that's why its randomly in the photo below). So Lush is incredible - everything is organic and earth friendly. It's not tested on animals which they definitely promote.

 I decided to do this haul post on my lush products. I bought myself 3 bath bombs, I was frankly too excited! What girl wouldn't like a nice hot bath with a cool bath bomb? Exactly.

This bath bomb is called 'Inhale Exhale'. It was lovely. It turned the water purple and had such a beautiful smell. The only down fall was that the smell wasn't very strong in the water, but for my first bath bomb from Lush I was super pleased with it!

I fancied the look of this bath bomb but chose to give it to my sister as a little gift. It is called Secret Garden. I thought it would turn the water pink but it turned it green! Much to my sisters disgust (whoops!). It still smelt good and looked pretty with all the flower's that fizzed out! Not sure on her thoughts though.

This one has been my favourite so far. It is called 'butterball' and it was so freaking nourishing. I loved it so much. I am going to repurchase this over and over! It had a beautiful vanilla smell and the cocoa butter was great on my dry autumn skin! I really recommend this one. It's colourless unlike the others so its a bit calmer. 

I had photos of another two bath bombs but the photos looked so bad. I don't want to post them. Instead I will describe them, and you can clink on the links if you want. They both smell so good! One is called 'think pink'. It's so pretty with its little dainty flowers! The other is called 'Space Girl'. I didn't buy myself this one but my chummy from a day in the life did. Thank you girl, I can't wait to use it! It smells like candy and has glitter in it, so I'm saving it for when I need an ultimate pick me up!

Hope someone enjoyed that! Love Dani. xx

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